Developed with the benefit of research, decades of clinical experience, and feedback from participants in earlier online and in-person versions of the program, we are proud to present the first version of the Finding Solid Ground program available in print. This program makes use of all that we have learned, and is designed to help people who have experienced trauma and have trauma-related symptoms, including dissociation, learn how to get and feel safer.
The Finding Solid Ground Program Workbook: Overcoming Obstacles in Trauma Recovery provides a step-by-step approach to this important, meaningful work at a pace designed to feel manageable, and offers specific exercises to practice daily that will help people who have experienced trauma learn how to manage and reduce their symptoms, get and feel safer, and develop a grounded, worthy sense of self. This book includes the Information Sheets and Exercises that are the foundation for the Finding Solid Ground program.
The companion book for therapists, Finding Solid Ground: Overcoming Obstacles in Trauma Treatment, provides the theoretical, clinical, and research rationale for the program; offers guidance on how to use the program in individual and group contexts; provides clinical vignettes that focus on how to overcome common treatment challenges; and provides expert recommendations for assessing dissociation. Combined, these books provide an evidence-informed, pragmatic, and compassionate approach to the stabilization and treatment of complex trauma and dissociation that breaks recovery into practical and manageable steps that can be immediately implemented.
The Finding Solid Ground Program Books are published by Oxford University Press, and can be ordered directly from the OUP website or purchased from many fine local and large-scale booksellers, including (but not limited to) those listed in the links below.
(Please note that these links are made available for convenience, and are informed by the sites integrated into a universal link provider. They are not meant to promote or exclude any particular bookstore.)
Update: The therapist-targeted volume is now also available in Italian (other languages to follow).