Principal Investigator
Bethany Brand, Ph.D.
Bethany Brand, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist practicing in Towson, Maryland. As an expert in trauma, she specializes in the assessment and treatment of trauma related disorders including posttraumatic stress disorder and dissociative disorders.
Co-Principal Investigator
Hygge Schielke, Ph.D. is the Trauma Services Development Lead for Homewood Health Centre and the Centre’s Traumatic Stress Injury & Concurrent Program in Guelph, Ontario. Dr. Schielke’s research is focused on the treatment of trauma-related disorders, psychotherapy process, and the relational components of psychotherapy.
Co-Principal Investigator
Ruth Lanius, M.D., Ph.D.
Ruth Lanius, M.D., Ph.D. is a Clinician-Scientist, Psychiatry Professor, and Harris-Woodman Chair in Mind-Body Medicine at Western University of Canada, where she is the Director of the Clinical Research Program for PTSD. Ruth has over 25 years of clinical and research experience with trauma-related disorders.
Francesca Schiavone, M.D.
Francesca Schiavone, M.D. is a psychiatrist and lecturer at the University of Toronto Centre for Addiction & Mental Health. Her research interests focus on dissociation, trauma and PTSD, DBT, and borderline personality disorder.